Kathrina Rupit, also known as kinmx, is a Mexican-born artist currently living as a full-time traveling artist based in Dublin, Ireland. Kathrina’s work is multifaceted in its beauty and appeals to a broad international audience, as evidenced by her success and the demand for her art in cities all around the world.
Her works often include images of beautiful women in natural environments, the figures cloaked in colourful robes and garments with flowing multicoloured hair or headdresses.
Kathrina’s pieces regularly incorporate organic elements such as feathers, flowers, wood, natural and geometric patterns and, in one of several nods to her home country, Día de Los Muertos imagery. At different stages in her career, and depending on her mood and inspiration on any given day, her colour palette ranges from bright, rich primary variants of red, blue and gold, to more subdued earth tones and grayscales – with each work’s spectrum seemingly custom-fit for the subject and its placement. “My Artwork is about finding peace, awareness & joy.
As a street artist, I have been sharing my artwork painting walls around the globe whilst learning about different cultures which I have later taken on as inspiration, mixing all these experiences together in shapes textures and colours. I hope my art can provoke a moment of contemplation and even better than that, a smile…”